Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where Next?

So, the kids are out of school for the summer next week.  Award ceremonies and end-of-the-year parties this week and next.  Then we're on our own until school starts next year. 

So far so good; Ricky has been officially transferred to the other school, but I'm still waiting to find out whether or not Olivia has been.  I can't even get her current school to confirm that they sent the transfer request over to the new campus.  I'll throw a fit if they don't transfer her.

We'll meet with the Burkhart Center in a few weeks to do follow up for Ricky's behavioral observations.  Should get some advice on strategies to try there.

Went to a PEN Project meeting last night and learned some stuff I wasn't aware of, so that's always good.  I hate going to meetings/trainings where nothing new is discussed.  I'm going to the Parent Leadership Training in June to be certified, and I was told last night that the is the first step to getting a foot in the door for employment.  Might prove interesting...

So for now, we're enjoying the rest of the year and preparing for the summer.  I'm trying to come up with some ideas that will help keep both kids busy, entertained, and on track for next year.  No regressing in this house! 

Museums, parks, camping, swimming, VBS.  What else is there to do?

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